When To Start Flea And Tick Treatment For Puppies?

When To Start Flea And Tick Treatment For Puppies

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The shortest answer of When to start flea and tick treatment for puppies is about 7 to 8 weeks. The most popular opinions say that it’s better not to use any flea or tick treatment until your fur baby reaches the age of 7 weeks at least. Still, there are some qualified and safer choices like the treatment named “Capstar”. And it can be used in the case of 4 weeks old puppies. However, he needs to weigh at least around 2 pounds for that.

Why Do Fleas Usually conduct their Breeding In Dogs?

Fleas are comfortable and likely to breed in a comparatively warmer environment. For example, if the temperature of your area is below 40 degrees, then there’s less chance of developing flea in your dog. If the temperature is between 40 degrees to 64 degrees, then there’s a moderate chance of your dog carrying fleas. But if the temperature of your zone is 65 degrees or more, then there’s a higher probability of the development of fleas in your dog.

Is Flea And Tick Treatment Important For A Puppy?

Fleas are common among puppies just as they are common in adult dogs. If you’ve noticed even a single flea on your dog’s body, it won’t take them much time to reproduce themselves and produce a huge flea population. On the other hand, the ticks are also able to reproduce themselves within two weeks only. Flea and tick treatments are way much necessary concerning your dog’s health. The might cause redness, itchiness, discomfort, can lead to transmission to humans, and more. That is why it’s always better to go with the flea and tick treatments as soon as he reaches 7or 8 weeks.

Moreover, the ticks staying in your dog’s body can result in other issues like- Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, and Ehrlichiosis. Not only the ticks but also fleas are responsible for the internal adverse conditions of your dogs. Because fleas also sometimes lead to the growth of tapeworm in your pup’s body.

When To Start Flea And Tick Treatment For Puppies?

The safest opinion is to use flea and tick treatments for puppies when they’ve reached 7 or 8 weeks or more. But there are some other treatments that are applicable for puppies of four weeks as well. Like- Capstar is a good choice for the puppies aging 4 weeks but they need to be at least 2 pounds and the effectiveness of its major ingredient, that is nitenpyram remains for only 24 hours.

Besides flea and tick treatments, you can also use Flea and tick removal shampoos and collars. A popular collar of flea and tick prevention in dogs is the Seresto Collar.

What Can I Use For Flea And Tick Treatment For Puppies?

For puppies of 7 or 8 weeks or more, many beneficial flea and tick treatments are available in the market. Besides, you can also use some home remedy treatments, like:

  • First of all, you need to give a deep cleansing bath to your fur baby. This bath should be included with the most effective flea and tick-removing shampoo. Moreover, special consideration is necessary if your pup has allergies.
  • After this bath, you’ll find that a huge flea population has already died. But still, you need to use a fine flea teeth comb to eradicate the remaining flea and ticks in your dog’s body.
  • Then, you need to use a tweezer if you find one or two remaining ticks or flea in his body.
  • Sprinkling apple cider vinegar can also contribute to regulating flea and tick issues.
  • And finally, your little puppy needs to go through regular checkups of your puppy so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment for him.

What Should I Do When I Found A Flea In My Puppy?

As soon as you’ve noticed a flea in your puppy, you should immediately search for ways to resolve it. Because you always should remember that fleas are very fast-breeding insects. And they can cause irritation, itchiness, redness. Besides, the flea can also cause some underlying issues in your dog. Moreover, the fleas easily get transferred to your carpets or clothes. That’s why when you’ve noticed even a single flea, you should bring out your tweezers, flea removal shampoo, and a new flea treatment instantly. Our writing on the same topic would help the dog parents in this regard hopefully.

When To Start Flea And Tick Medicine Treatment For Puppies?

Flea and tick treatments are the most preferable for puppies aged 7 to 8 weeks or more. If you need a flea and tick treatment for a puppy aging below this age, you of course need the guidance of your Vet and a special observation on him. Some of the most popular and reliable flea and tick treatment recommendations for puppies are as follows:

  1. Seresto flea and tick control treatment for puppies: In this present world, the Seresto collar is the most popular treatment for eradicating both flea and ticks in dogs. The Seresto Collar treatment is available not only for adult dogs but also for puppies. It is thought to be safe for puppies of at least 7 or 8 weeks. It can be used on a frequency of 8 months and comes in the form of a collar.
  2. K9 Advantix II puppy flea and tick treatment: This treatment usually comes in the tropical form and can be used on a monthly basis. The K9 Advantix II Flea and tick treatment are thought to be safe for puppies at least 7 weeks of age.
  3. Advantage Multi dog flea and tick treatment: The Advantage Multi flea controlling treatment helps in preventing various issues like intestinal parasites, sarcoptic mange mites, adult fleas, heartworm diseases, and more. This treatment comes in topical form. And it’s usually recommended for puppies of at least 7 weeks and a minimum of 3lbs weight. The treatment can be used on a frequency of once per month.
  4. Bravecto flea and tick control treatment: Bravecto is another well-known treatment for dogs. This treatment is available in tablet form and can kill both flea and ticks. The Bravecto flea and tick treatment can be used on your dog at a frequency of 12 weeks. And this treatment can be used on your pup but for that, he must need to be 6 months old and weigh at least 4.4 lbs.
  5. Capstar dog flea treatment: The Capstar dog flea treatment can be given to puppies of a minimum of 4 weeks of age and a minimum weight of 2 pounds. The use of the Capstar tablet actually depends on the dog. It can start killing fleas within 30 minutes and remains effective in dogs for 24 to 48 hours. Sentinel Flavor Tabs is another renowned treatment preferable for buddies aging 4 weeks.
  6. Comfortis flea control treatment for dogs: Comfortis flea treatment for dogs is usually found in the form of tablets. And this treatment is allowed to be used over a span of one month. The Comfortis flea treatment starts killing the flea within the first 3 minutes. And within four hours, 100 percent of fleas are killed. This treatment can be used for pups aged 14 weeks or more.
  7. Frontline Plus flea and tick treatment: This tropical treatment is capable enough to kill both fleas and ticks in your fur baby. Not only fleas and ticks, but it can also deal with flea eggs and lice as well. It can be used on your puppy on a monthly basis. The tropical frontline plus flea and tick treatment are preferable for dogs aging at least 8 weeks.
  8. Revolution Puppy flea and tick treatment: It is a treatment used for curing both flea and tick issues. The revolution treatment can be used on a frequency of one month. It is said that the following treatment is able to kill more than 98 percent of fleas within 36 hours. And it’s thought to be safe for puppies at least 7 weeks.
  9. Virbac Effitix Plus flea and tick treatment for dogs: This treatment is capable of acting upon both fleas and ticks in your fido’s body. It comes in the tropical form and can be used on dogs on a monthly basis. It starts acting in your dog’s body within 10 minutes and is able to kill 99 percent of the flea and tick within 12 hours. The Virbac Effitix Plus flea and tick treatment are said to be safe for dogs of at least 8 weeks.
  10. Virbac Effipro Flea and tick treatment for dogs: This treatment is available in the market in tropical form. It can be used over a frequency of one month. And the Virbac Effipro treatment for killing fleas and ticks is usually safe for puppies aging at least 8 weeks.

Top Tips For Flea And Tick Prevention For A Puppy

  • You need to keep on regularly checking your dog’s body in order to discover if there’s any fleas or ticks in the body or not.
  • Flea and tick sprays are available both inside and outside the home. They can also contribute to retarding the growth rate of fleas and ticks.
  • You need to use the products of controlling flea and tick in dogs, like collars, tablets, and more.
  • If the previous flea treatment has stopped working, then you might probably go with a new one.
  • You can steam vacuum the carpets and the sitting places of your fur baby as this heat can prevent the growth of the flea and tick.
Conclusion For Flea And Tick Treatment

The growth of fleas and ticks is common in dogs. The fleas and ticks act as a parasite in your dog’s body. They survive in your fur baby’s body by drinking his blood. And thus, flea and ticks cause various underlying diseases in dogs. But, using a flea and tick control treatment for dogs can help prevent the growth of these insects in his body. They are able to kill about more or less 98 percent of flea and ticks in your dog’s body. Regular changing of the treatment is also necessary for his safety.